Halo 3 Service Record

Saturday, January 12, 2008


After six months of waiting I am the proud owner of an iphone! I meant to post this earlier but I've just been to lazy. I know I could have said I was working a lot or that I have been spending time with friends but that wouldn't be true so there it is, laziness. Also, it's not my first post since I got it, I wrote the last one on my couch with the iphone just to goof around with it. The picture of the iceberg that may have sank the Titanic then found its way onto my roof was taken with it, the camera works great! I just love it, you can do so much with it! But I'd have to say the downside is the constant fear that I'm going to drop it. I'm not known for dropping phones but with my luck I'll drop this one, I think I'd puke. With Apple's big convention earlier this week, they released another wave of updates for it, customizable home screen, pinpoint Google map locations, all sorts of things! Yes it really does live up to all the hype!
On a side note, is it just me or are the fingernails of the guy holding the iphone in the picture weird? I mean his thumbnail is clipped, but the rest of them look like they could use a trimming. Sick I know I'm far to weird.

1 comment:

Beckyb said...

Ok - so I'm officially jealous - SOMEDAY!!!!