Halo 3 Service Record

Monday, April 28, 2008

Puff Puff Passed!

Wow has it really been two months since I posted anything? Amazing. I guess I've written several things but most of them were just to get things off my chest and I felt a lot better after writing them. None of them however, needed to be posted. To much anger and vitriol I suppose. But as I sit here amongst several pop up ads that I don't even think a spy ware remover from heaven could stop, I just can't let this one go. Since everyone that I know who reads this blog lives in Iowa you are all aware of the smoking ban passed earlier this month. I have spoken to several of you about it, all of varying opinions, but now I'm going to put it all on paper. This is the single biggest step toward socialism this country is taking. Banning smoking across the board. All under the guise of protecting peoples health, mostly that of children.
First and foremost I guess I should officially say that I think it was a terrible idea. Bet you never saw that coming. I would also like to say that it's a great idea in theory to have non-smoking restaurants. I hate smoky places, so I don't go there. That's why I like Jameson's so much. But you can't FORCE people to make THEIR buisnesses non smoking. I was blown away by the number of my friends on Facebook that had a status update involving the smoking ban. All of which said something to the affect of: SO & SO never thought they'd see the day. Or SOME RANDOM FRIEND is so excited to finally be able to breathe! Boo hoo, wait let me get out my tiny violin and play 'My Heart Bleeds For You'. Are you people nuts! Will you ALL sell your dental plan for a keg of beer! (random Simpson's joke) These are your rights for crying out loud!
Let me break it down,
Argument for banning smoking: (best read while imaging tiny violin in the background)
Smoking is bad for you so it will help smokers quit and better the health of customers and staff to not be around second hand smoke. Including no smoking in bars, clubs, & casinos. Not even outside.
Now I know there are other arguments but you all know this is the real and primary reason so we'll focus on that. But feel free to add everything you hate about smoking in there too as all arguments apply. While it is very 'knight in shining armer' of you Gov. Culver, to want to save us all from respiratory failure, capitalism (which, weather you like it or not is the base of this country) is taking a massive blow to the dome. The simple fact is, if you don't like being around second hand smoke, don't go to an establishment that allows smoking. If your favorite place allows smoking you're going to go there anyways. If you have respiratory problems, you'll get it to go. If you hate it that much and refuse to go there, that owner loses your business, but gains the smokers, and vice-versa for the smoker. If you don't like the smoking policy, don't go! That's the beauty of America, you don't have to give the smoker lover your business! But you can't take away the right of a business owner to decided if his establishment is smoking or not! That's socialism! If a business owner decides to have a smoking establishment and it fails as a result, that's what happens. *cough* capitalism *cough* Try again and make it non smoking. And the worst part is you can't even have an outside area designated for smokers, none at all! Thanks Iowa for ticking off one of our largest tax paying groups!
I could go on and on about this but it would get redundant and that's not my goal. But please let me know your thoughts! (You don't always have to send me a message on Facebook, but I clearly check that more.) P.S. No, I'm not a smoker.