Halo 3 Service Record

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy day we've selected to be your birthday Jesus!

I heard a rumor that today is Christmas. They maybe should do more advertising because I completely forgot! Well, if there is in fact, any truth to this I am reminded of a little saying, "Jesus is the reason for the season!" What a great slogan! It's right up there with one of my favorite slogans of all time. You may have never heard it because I don't think they advertise on TV, especially not every commercial break during a Vikings game. "Every kiss begins with Kay", is genius, it works on so many levels! Or maybe just two, but it's still genius. Anyways I digress. Like WWJD, the majority of us Christians have said and heard "Jesus is the reason for the season" so much that it's lost the pop it had when we first heard it. But it in fact is the best slogan for Christmas. It breaks it down perfectly. If it wasn't for the birth of Jesus, we simply would not be celebrating Christmas!
On a side note I have received several text messages from people wanting me to list all of the presents I received this Christmas. A detailed list will soon be posted.
J/K, Merry Christmas everyone! (For those of you offended by my constant usage of the word 'Christmas', (or for those of you who need a good laugh) here is a video to ease your anger!

Seriously, a Blog? Common!

In an effort to help change the world through the power of personal ideas and opinions I have decided to start a blog, hooray!!!! Okay seriously it's because Fantasy Football is over and I need a valid excuse not to cancel my internet! Also I plan to use this blog to give my vastly right wing, conspiracy suckered, war-mongering, politically incorrect, capitalist brain a place to vent and trick bloggers into thinking like me! I know most of my friends believe that if there were thousands more of me, the world would be as close to heaven as humanly possible. (That might not be entirely true but hey I have the right to embellish a little.)