Halo 3 Service Record

Saturday, January 12, 2008

All I Wanted Was A PB&J!

I don't know about the rest of you but when I come home from work all I wanna do is relax for a little bit. Maybe I have something I need to do later but it's nice to sit back and do nothing for a little while. Plus I don't have kids yet so I can't see any reason that when I come home I can't fix myself something to eat. So when I come home
last Saturday I start picking up a little before I make something to eat. I am a gourmet cook you know, my specialties include PB&J and........ well that's pretty much it. So there I am, walking into the kitchen when I see it, a large hole in the celling with water all over the floor. You...have....got...to...be....kidding me! Nope water leaking from the roof. So out onto the roof I go armed with a shovel. After about 15 minutes I have most of the snow off my roof, to discover about 3 inches of ice covering the entire south side of the roof. I guess it makes sense, it barely sloops on that side of the house. So I start chipping away with a hammer and it starts to come apart from the edges so I'm making progress when I realize that the problem is were the roof slops down to the flatter part of the house. It at least 7 inches thick and took me FOREVER to dislodge it but I pushed it off the roof! That's a picture of it there, I should have moved my phone up more to show the garbage can as a contrast but its as big as me!
Well my in laws came over and David and I got the rest of the ice off. My backyard looks like a battleground, and I'm happy to report no more water leakage!!!!

1 comment:

Beckyb said...

I think I would have had my PB&J first AND THEN tackled that mess. Isn't home ownership WONDERFUL!?!?! :)